Coleman-Derr Lab News

The Coleman-Derr lab is participating in the inaugural year of the NIFA AFRI Plant Microbiomes program area. With this 3-year grant they will characterize the causes and consequences of Actinobacterial enrichment in the root microbiome under drought stress. The project represents their first collaboration with the Deutschbauer lab at UCB, bringing bonafide microbial genomic expertise to their efforts. Additionally, this projects reinvests in a long standing collaboration with Jeff Dahlberg at the UC Kearney Agricultural Research Center, which will allow them to explore microbial dynamics in agriculturally relevant contexts.


The Book Chapter, “Role of the Plant Root Microbiome in Abiotic Stress Tolerance”, from Daniel Caddell and Siwen Deng, was published in ’Seed Endophytes” published by Springer. The work highlights recent efforts to understand bacterial and fungal contributions to plant fitness under drought, salinity and nutrient stress, and to develop microbial products that can be used in agriculture for boosting yields under challenging environmental conditions.



The Coleman-Derr lab is participating in the inaugural year of the NIFA AFRI Plant Microbiomes program area. This award, for 3 years,  will characterize the causes and consequences of Actinobacterial enrichment in the root microbiome under drought stress. The project represents their first collaboration with the Deutschbauer lab at UCB, bringing bonafide microbial genomic expertise to their efforts. Welcome Adam! Additionally, this projects reinvests in a long standing collaboration with Jeff Dahlberg at the UC Kearney Agricultural Research Center that will allow them to explore microbial dynamics in agriculturally relevant contexts.